I saw my first flower in bloom in my yard this week and my cherry tree is in bloom. That make me feel like spring is just around the bend. I find it exciting to see new life coming into my world like flowers. It is March and I know we can still get some cold weather, but we are getting warmer days in between. I love this time of year when new life is starting to form. Of course, it comes with all the pollen on your car and stuffed up noses, but I still loved it when it warm enough to go outside without a coat, but not so hot it is uncomfortable. It brings the farm girl out of me and make me want to plant something.
It is also warm enough to go to my work area to start up making our wreath again. We are going to start making some spring and summer wreaths as well as some you can use all year around if you don't like to change out your wreaths. We like to change ours out with the seasons. Keep checking out our site for new wreaths or if you want something special, just email us or go to our ESTY site and make a request. My daughter is healing from surgery and will soon be back where we can work together on some projects.