According to the calendar, it is officially Spring, yet it still a little chilly here. In fact, in some area in the Northeast are getting snow this weekend. No snow here, but some much needed rain to hopefully wash down the pollen. We all have spring fever of some kind. If you are a gardener like me, you want to go out and buy spring flowers and tomato plants. But I know it is still a bit early since we are still in danger of frost. So I must wait a few more weeks to get those plants in the ground.
It does help to get our imagination started on those spring and summer wreaths. We are working a wreath called a Tree of Life. Hope to have it ready in the upcoming weeks. Time has been a factor lately with our wreaths, plus it got too cool to work in our sunroom. We did one already that you might like. My daughter did the wreath, while I worked on the painting in the background. I thought it was not to bad for my first try at a painting and our first try on a tree of life. I am thinking about taking some lessons to see where my painting may go.