What do you think of when you see the words, Memorial Day? Do you think that it is just a day off to have cook outs and fun with your family, or to do you remember what the day really means? It was set aside to remember those thousands of soldiers who fought and died to protect our freedom. The freedom that we have is so taken for granted these days. I heard a lady on tv today say that she would vote for a Russian dictator before she would anyone in office today. She made the statement that it might not be that bad. That was kind of scary talk for me to heard, because it shows how little people are paying attention to what is going on in our world today. The proud men and women who died for this country are turning over in their grave to hear that after all the ultimate sacrifice that they did to keep us free that someone would want us to be under a dictator. We have forgotten that freedom comes at a cost. I know that was just one person saying this, but if just one person thinking that it would be better to live under a dictator than have the freedom that we have now is just not truly thinking clearly. What she does not realize is that if she lived under a dictator, she would not even be allow to give her opinion or vote. It is truly sad to think we have Americans living here and do not realize how much freedom we have. I just wish they could talk to those living under a dictator now or live there for a short while. Why you think all these people want to come and live here? Let us not forget how many lives died to keep that American Flag waving over our Nation. We should all bow our heads on Memorial Day and say a word of thanks for giving us the freedom we so enjoy everyday. Happy Memorial Day.
We hope to have some wreath on line soon for your door to celebrate Memorial Day and Independence Day. Keep watching our site for new wreaths.