February 1st was Groundhog Day. Don't know how many of you believe in the Groundhog's prediction of early spring, but it all in fun. I guess it gives us something to look forward to in the winter months. He predicted six more weeks of winter, which is what we all kind of expected. It has been a cold winter so far, and I am hoping for an early spring It is spring like today here in NC. It is suppose to be in the 70s this afternoon. Makes you want spring even more when you have these warm days. Our dachshunds sure enjoy these warm days. We took them for a walk on Saturday trying to get in some leash training for the puppies. They are five months now and growing like weeds. They did very well for their first time walking on a lead. We have one who was kind of rebellious when we put a leash on him, but he did better when he realize that he got to smell and see new things. We have a camping trip coming up in March and trying to get them ready for that trip. It will be their first time.
We have been working on some new wreaths. I will be putting them up on our website as soon as they are ready. Happy Groundhog Day.
