I don't know about everyone else, but Christmas seems to coming up faster than I want it to and I starting to feel the rush to get things done. With all the events I am suppose to be attending, it is getting to be a little much. The weather feels like Christmas time and the leaves here are starting to fall like crazy. They are a little late this year and we just had our first frost this weekend. My new puppies love to chase the leaves as the wind blows them across the yard. It is also getting a little harder to get these blogs in and watch two three month old puppies at the same time too. They are like small children, in to everything and wanting your full attention
We have Christmas wreaths for you to order. I have not had the time yet to finish the latest one I have started, but it will get done some time before Christmas. Check out our Etsy site and see what we have to offer. We have tree ornaments for sale too.